Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Further Development of my Thriller Opening Sequence

The first step to creating our thriller sequences was to be put into groups of four, and to decide on which of our ideas we wanted to pursuit. As such, we wrote down the basic outline of our ideas on a large piece of A3 paper and then evaluated which one each of our members would most like to make. Somewhat surprisingly, we all wanted to go ahead with my nun idea as the whole group agreed that it was a very unusual, yet successfully sinister concept, much like a thriller should be. Considering the fact that it is a very unique and bold choice however, we all also decided that a combination of Millie and Theresa’s ideas would serve as a good backup sequence, as they have very strong similarities and are both powerful and intriguing ideas in their own right.

As such, to progress forward we decided to make a mind-map of the concept to develop the idea. It was a chance for everyone in the group to suggest additional information and other shots in attempt to make the sequence the best that it could be. Consequently, my initial idea has since changed quite considerably despite retaining its original essence...

Perhaps getting a bit carried away, as seen from the mind-map above, we successfully brainstormed countless twists and turns that this once fairly basic concept could take. However, aware of timings and trying to keep the sequence simple, we decided that some suggestions were simply too complex, and so as a group, we had to decide as to what ideas were effective and should be included within our opening sequence. It was important to get rid of stuff that revealed too much about the actual plot of the film; rather, we just wanted to hint at it instead.

Consequently, our eventual idea is to commence the sequence with an establishing shot of a church yard from outside, in the bright morning light. It is our hope this would set up a very calm, and serene impression of religious life. Ideally, we would then have a zoom and pan as the camera ventures within the church. Inside, we would see a priest preaching to pews filled with people. The topic he was preaching about would be from the Old Testament, and an actual extract from the Bible, likely about something to do with sex (or adultery) being a sin. His words would continue on as a voice-over into the next shot of a young nun alone in a confessional booth, praying “Hail Mary” aloud. At first, her prayer will be calm and controlled. There will then be numerous shots between the two locations - in particular of the priest preparing the ‘blood of Christ’ where a single drop of dark red wine falls to the bright white floor, splashing against it. In the final shot, the nun will still be praying within her booth, but her prayer will have become short of breath and desperate, almost as if she is hissing in a very distraught fashion. We will see her from the other side of the confessional booth - through the grate - before we hear footsteps echoing along the corridor outside and the sound of a door opening. We see the nun tense, and then the aged hand of the priest land upon her shoulder, giving it a tight (and very sexual) squeeze. The camera pans down to her legs and we see they have been tied to the booth by a very bright red cord. The shot waits for a beat before cutting to black.

As the camera pans down, I’d like to include some contrapuntal music to the sequence, but I’m not convinced the rest of my group agrees. Otherwise, I think we are (overall) happy with the idea. If I were to complain about anything, it might be that just a bit too much is happening for something that is merely an opening sequence. All the same, what we have planned should fit into the allotted time frame - so it is just the pace that will need work on.

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