Monday, 12 December 2016

Building a website

Given how Hannah was not at school today, I tried my hand at making a website, assisted by Fran. We wanted to create something that would link to the digipak seamlessly and retain the best features from Hannah's version of the website. Consequently, I used the same marble pattern for the homepage's background.

I built the website on wix, starting from scratch. Regarding the homepage, after sorting out the background I made four buttons (LISTEN, FOLLOW, TOUR and ABOUT) which linked to respective pages, and placed them in each corner of the page. In the centre, I at first put an image of Juli with her 'SIOUX' logo, and then developed this further so that it was an animated gif. I also made a new 'PRAY' logo (following the same steps as creating the SIOUX logo) to fit below.

I made the gif through making multiple photos of Juli in which she changes position ever so slightly, and then placing them together to make a video. Once uploaded to youtube, I was able to turn it into a gif. Whilst basic, the gif is effective in showing the type of effect we wish to achieve. It will not, however, be our final product.

Based off of MØ's website, I also created a lightbox in which our music video for Pray (Empty Gun) plays automatically upon loading the homepage screen.

I thereafter developed each of the four pages. On LISTEN, creating another lightbox advertising the release of SIOUX's latest album, 'Pray', followed by links to music streaming platforms (iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify and Google Play). On FOLLOW, I had a lightbox in which navigators of the website could sign up for her newsletter and then links to each of her social media platforms which we have developed to a good level and also link to the three products coherently. We took inspiration from Lorde and Charlie XCX's social networking platforms. Here is a look at SIOUX's tumblr (which Hannah made):

For the TOUR page, I used the 'bandintown' widget to create a tour ticket booking list and page (for now using the default information), and for the ABOUT page, we spoke a little bit about SIOUX and her background alongside a gallery of photos.

We are very pleased with the website which we now have, although do not believe it to be completed just yet. Over the next few days we are going to review the website and see further ways in which we can improve it.

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