Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Cleaning up the cut

Having produced the above rough cut for our focus group (of which the feedback was very positive), I made a few final touches to our video (namely changing the lengths of some shots, adding a few extra cut-aways and finally colour coding it all, as well as changing the framing of our video for a more polished final cut).

For instance, I extended the shot of her opening lipsync slightly so that she was able to finish each of her sentences before the video cut to one of her group members, as this gave the cut a cleaner look whilst still retaining its role in highlighting the beat with each cutaway; and I also included a close up as to cover up a continuity error previously seen with the mid-shot.

Another change made was with the framing of the video itself. The inclusion of a cinematic, black border made the video look more professional and polished, and was as such added.

The door opening towards the end of the song was another aspect of the video which I cleaned up, as I was advised it to make the cut more obvious (despite the continuity error of the lollypops).

Finally, the colour coding of the video was also something which we viewed as significantly touching up the video. To do this, I had to individually correct every single shot and make it cooler, as right from the start of our project, this was the look which we wanted to achieve.

Below is our final, finished product of which we are all very pleased with:

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