Saturday, 3 December 2016

Focus Group Evaluation

Hannah filmed the focus group which took place on Friday afternoon whilst Fran took notes and our friend Rosie presented the session. I was not present:

Feedback regarding the Digipak:

  • Our focus group compared the artist to Lorde, Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande.
  • They thought the genre was indie-pop, but may feature a depressing tone or even a rap element. 
  • It gave off a high fashion, attitude-heavy 'bad girl' vibe.
  • They recommended including a spray painted element on the digipak given its relevance in the music video, and they also wanted more of a green colour palette to make the products more coherent.
  • The digipak was noted for being different to the website and video, many calling it 'too dark', and the snake elements that were included made very little sense (until they found out what the name meant - the name of 'SIOUX' itself being universally enjoyed by the focus group).

Feedback regarding the Website:
  • They thought the website was high-end and "exclusive" with many enjoying the colour scheme. 
  • However, the images did not mach the style of the digipak; the website alluded to a more Adele, 'soul' styled singer-songwriter rather than the 'bad girl', attitude indie-pop artist as seen from the digipak.
  • They also wanted a more gender-balanced shop, but liked the design of the snake.
  • With the exception of the aforementioned pictures, the website was otherwise viewed as being generally, fairly coherent with the digipak, with some also believing that it was somewhat coherent with the video itself as well.
  • They recommended a spray paint element to be seen on the website as well.
  • Most thought that perhaps the website was 'too refined' for the elements included within the video, and proposed it became more 'street'.

Feedback regarding the Video:
  • There was no feedback offered as to how we could improve the video.

In general, the feedback was very positive. Whilst all three products were really enjoyed individually, as a collective they thought unity was lacking, and we (as a group) agree. Moving on from this focus group, we are going to develop our products so that they are incredibly coherent to one another in style and attitude, and to do so, we are going to review our products based off how well they represent our artist's star image qualities: youthful, rebellious, cool and chilled.

Specifically, we are going to make the digipak more colourful and less snake-orientated, as otherwise the correct genre and attitude were given off; it simply needs to be more 'youthful' which will be achieved by a more animated and colourful design. Regarding the website, we are going to simplify it further by getting rid of all texts (such as the biography), and instead make it more visually striking. In similar fashion to the digipak, we are going to make it more youthful through colour and animated designs, as well as making it less 'upmarket' in order to reaffirm this 'bad girl' attitude which we showcased in the video. In terms of the video, we are merely going to give it a final polish.

We are purposefully going to ignore their recommendation to include more spray painting on the digipak as it is an element within one video of our artist's album and not something which encapsulates or displays her identity or persona.

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