Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Managing the work-load

Given our late shoot day and the quickly approaching deadline, as a group, we have a lot to do and not so much time to do it. Consequently, we have devised a means of getting the work-load achieved:

Given how there are three members of our group, and three products which must be created - a music video, a website and a CD Digipak - we have split the three products between the three of us so that each is in charge of one product each. This does not mean we will complete these tasks as individuals, but take control behind their production. Along the way, we will still continue to work with and help one another, and every day we will update each other on the production of our respected product, so that by the end of the course we will have created three stylish and coherent products of a high standard.

As such, I have taking charge of editing given my interest in it. Fran has taken charge of the CD Digipak's production given her studying of photography and ability to use photoshop to a high standard. And Hannah has taken charge of the website given her studying of photography and textiles, as well as her interest in art.

In order to keep our three products coherent we will use similar colours, fonts and conventions across the board and continuously update one another regarding how things are going to ensure the highest possible standard is achieved, helping one another whenever necessary.

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