Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Test Shoot

After having planned what costumes we want to use in our actual video, we filmed a brief test shoot with our assembled cast (the two girls from earlier still filling in for our missing models). We filmed using our iPhones, and I then edited it together on iMovie.

Problems with the shoot itself:
Not only did we not have the actual cast, and not only did we not have our final costumes, but we also did not have our location to use or even something that mildly resembled it. Consequently, the aesthetics of our test shoot were completely off. Having taken so long with working out costumes, we also found ourselves behind schedule and thus one disorientated, and two without enough time to film everything we had intended. Consequently, a lot of the footage we planned to try out was impossible - such as the 'flooding' sequence, strutting, bubblegum, etc. Also, we were unable to smash anything or use actual paint. Filming on a phone and editing with iMovie, also did not add to the quality of our video. Despite this, there are some redeeming qualities.

Successful aspects of the shoot:
The costumes we did have (such as Juli's) worked well. Equally, we were able to obtain two pairs of roller skates which fit the two models whom can roller skate. With more variation in shots and locations, the lip-syncs will work well. We can also imagine the pacing of the video to be effective enough for it not to get boring.

Moving forward:
We are simply going to have to arrange another test shoot, where we have our actual cast and actual costumes. In this second test shoot, we are going to prepare a shot list in order to film all the footage we need, in order to actually be able to edit together a realistic prototype for our final product, as we have realised the importance of keeping a coherent plan. Even if we can't find a suitable location, this will give us a closer expectation of the final video. Unfortunately, it is likely we will still have to film with a phone, but this isn't overly important. As for the roller skating element, it somewhat jars with the rest of the video, so we were thinking of maybe having the girls drawing on walls whilst skating down the corridor, thus still 'trashing' the house whilst having fun.

Arranging the next test shoot:

Despite having not turned out as good as we would have hoped, we still think that the session was extremely valuable to our development and progression towards the final product.

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